Friday, November 21, 2008

Erica Campbell Picture Moment

Erica Campbell Picture Moment

Jessica Simpson Pictures

Jessica Simpson Pictures

Credit: hollywoodtuna

Christina Aguilera Pictures

Christina Aguilera Pictures

Christina Aguilera Ruins A See Through Moment… Kinda

I’m sick of Christina Aguilera, she used to be pretty hot, now she’s just a

caricature of her former self. The straw like hair, the clown makeup and the

retarded hat I can deal with but wearing a bra under a see through top is where I

draw the line. I haven’t been keeping up with the shitty/pop one hundred so I

don’t know when she last had a hit, but one thing I do know is that in this

business it’s better to look good than to be good. Words to live by.

Source: hollywoodtuna

Katy Perry Pictures

Katy Perry Pictures

Katy Perry has a lot to learn about this business if she wants to make it in this

town. You call this an upskirt? My grandmother flashes more junk than this on her

way to canasta. Here she is at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2008 press conference

auditioning for a Walmart underwear ad. It’s embarrassing to think that this is

supposed to be the next hot young starlet in the music industry and during her

first upskirt she flashes her underoos. What next, a bra under a see through top?

I’m not impressed.

Credit: hollywoodtuna

Mariah Carey Pictures

Mariah Carey Pictures

Mariah Carey Joins The Saggy Boobie Club

Mariah Carey is no stranger to trashy outfits so when I first found these

pictures I just assumed they would be more of the same, until I saw her

disgusting saggy underarm cleavage. With all our medical advancements I don’t

know how fake tits are supposed to sag but leave it to Mariah to find a way.

Credit: hollywoodtuna

Danielle Lloyd Pictures

Danielle Lloyd Pictures

Danielle Lloyd Gives Us A View

Here’s Danielle Lloyd giving us a view at the opening of Mansion Nightclub. Unfortunately, she didn’t bend over enough to get a good shot but I’ll take what I can get. Anyway, I’m glad her lips have gone down since we last saw her because she was looking pretty damn stupid with those suckers.

Credit: hollywoodtuna

Aubrey O’Day Pictures

Aubrey O’Day Pictures

Aubrey O’Day Is A Hippie With Fake Boobs Part 2

I’m not sure why I keep posting pictures of this nobody Aubrey O’Day, it may have something to do with her nipples always falling out. In any case, the last time we saw her she was dressed as a hippie for Halloween and now here she is looking like an ACTUAL hippie. I’m disappointed, I thought hippies didn’t wear bras. She’s probably hiding a disgusting hippie bush under that smock. Sick!

Credit: hollywoodtuna

Megan Fox Pictures

Megan Fox Pictures

Megan Fox’s Breasts Real?

After I posted the Megan Fox GQ outtakes yesterday, people have been flooding my email box asking me whether or not Megan Fox’s breasts are real. Now since I’m the expert in the field of “funbags” I decided to investigate. Judging this picture a few years back at the Spike Awards and comparing it to these new pictures of her at GQ Men Of The Year Awards, my professional opinion is that she had them lifted. However, since I’m not really a professional (I just play one on the internet), they have either been lifted or they’re fake. Ultimately though, you decide.

Credit: hollywoodtuna

Karolina Kurkova Pictures

Karolina Kurkova Pictures

Karolina Kurkova’s Belly Button Is Missing!

Karolina Kurkova seems to have escaped the Victoria’s Secret lab without her belly button. I always knew these Victoria’s Secret models weren’t human, but instead were some genetic freaks made by some big corporation to give teenage girls and my girlfriend a complex. So ladies, isn’t comforting to know that these supermodel robots also have their own creepy flaws?! Wrong! What good is a belly button anyway? Where do you plug her in?

Credit: hollywoodtuna